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No.220332 Guesthouse
Single Room Single Room Available
Smoking non-smoking
Guesthouse ? hinokishin
Region ? Osaka Ikuno
Date posted 2020/11/18 16:03
If ads is edited? ? Edited from initial post
2020/11/18 23:38
Rent ? 20000 yen (per month)
Gender all genders ?
Contact ? This post is temporarily suspended by accumulated reports by other users.

Paused by moderations

The post was temporarily turned off because a good amount of moderation votes were done. (We can not answer how many votes to prevent future abuses.)

That may be one of the following reasons, which were sometimes seen in past.

Wrong gender field

"All female" must be used only when the place has, and will have all female residents. If a couple is renting spare rooms, it is not "all female". If a single mother is living with teenage boy, it is not "all female". If you are asking only female tenant by some specific reasons, please elaborate them in text.

Wrong region/location

Do not choose incorrect address. Even if it is close, Tokyo Disneyland is in Chiba. Do not deceive applicants.

Wrong station

Only choose your closest stations. "Oh, you can take only one train (with 1 hour) to Shinjuku" does not make your house near Shinjuku station.

Bad category

Are you renting? or are you seeking a vacant room? Please double check.

You are running "Guesthouse(Sharehouse in Jangrish)" but posting to regular roommate category("Have Room").

If you are running your place as a professional business, it must be posted to "Guesthouse/Sharehouse" category.
This site was originally made for individual people who want to rent their spare rooms in their home. Guesthouse with manager/janitor is not the main target, but it is okay to be posted to the matched category because they have some commonness from renters' point of view.

You are only offering dorm style but posting to "Have Room".

Even if you are running it privately, putting multiple guests into a single room is categorized to "Guesthouse/Sharehouse" in this site.

You are running business but hiding your business name

One of your business accommodations can be posted on this site. Your guesthouse name, which you use on your own site and other guesthouse information sites, should be used on "name" field. Do not pretend you are seeking "roommates" at your 10 rooms building.

"Price/Rent" should be per month.

To make search/filter worthful, please put monthly base cost. If you are chaging rent weekly, put 4 times of that.




種類 貸したい 都道府県 大阪府
住所 大阪市生野区勝山北2
金額 20,000円 建物 マンション
部屋 3K 入居期間 期間不問
希望性別 男女問わず 端末 PCから登録
最寄駅 JR大阪環状線 鶴橋駅
JR大阪環状線 桃谷駅
近鉄大阪線 鶴橋駅
大阪市営地下鉄千日前線 鶴橋駅
設備 冷蔵庫/掃除機/洗濯機/炊飯器/ガスコンロ/食器棚/押し入れ/部屋の/部屋照明/テレビ/エアコン/暖房器具/扇風機/インターネット/リビング/キッチン/部屋内家具/電子レンジ/布団貸し
特典 即入居可/住民票登録可/荷物のみ可/光熱費込み/年齢制限無/2名入居可/女性専用住居/自転車駐輪可/駅間近/バス停間近/コンビニ間近/スーパー間近


数分圏内に業務用スーパー、コンビニ(セブンイレブン、ファミリーマート、ローソン)万代スーパー、100円ショップ、ファミリーレストラン、スタバ、カフェ、吉野家、鳥貴族、美容院、居酒屋、病院、銀行、図書館、郵便局等 くらしに便利なお店がいっぱいです。
●家賃 ドミトリ 20000円
    個  室  40000円

Guesthouse 建物外観
Guesthouse 眺望
Guesthouse 眺望
Guesthouse 個室
Guesthouse 個室
Guesthouse ドミトリー寝室
Guesthouse 個室
Guesthouse シャワー
Guesthouse キッチン
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