JR山手線 Search Results

大崎 五反田 目黒 恵比寿 渋谷 原宿 代々木 新宿 新大久保 高田馬場 目白 池袋 大塚 巣鴨 駒込 田端 西日暮里 日暮里 鶯谷 上野 御徒町 秋葉原 神田 東京 有楽町 新橋 浜松町 田町 品川
2024/09/12 22:19
Single Room non-smoking

2024/09/10 09:29
Single Room non-smoking

WIFI and cooler in the room) It is a one-room rental. Brokerage fee and renewal fee is 0 yen (Limited price for this site, price for tenants over 1 year) In the case of short-term, it will be +3500 yen per month ● Room 303 Western-style room 4.0 tatami Loft 3.0 tatami Rent 21,000 yen (with TV and...

2024/09/08 12:14
Single Room non-smoking
Female only

2024/08/20 21:37
Single Room non-smoking

Pets are allowed ^_^ First month's rent discount! You can move in for just 30,000 yen for the first month! I live in a shared house in a 5LDK apartment, a 5-minute walk from Tabata Station. Currently I live with one woman and three men. We are now recruiting as one of our male staff members is mo...


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