小田急線 Search Results

新宿 南新宿 参宮橋 代々木八幡 代々木上原 東北沢 下北沢 世田谷代田 梅ヶ丘 豪徳寺 経堂 千歳船橋 祖師ヶ谷大蔵 成城学園前 喜多見 狛江 和泉多摩川 登戸 向ヶ丘遊園 生田 読売ランド前 百合ヶ丘 新百合ヶ丘 柿生 鶴川 玉川学園前 町田 相模大野 小田急相模原 相武台前 座間 海老名 厚木 本厚木 愛甲石田 伊勢原 鶴巻温泉 東海大学前 秦野 渋沢 新松田 開成 栢山 富水 螢田 足柄 小田原
2025/02/10 09:43
Single Room non-smoking
Female only

[Women only] ■■ Rent ■■ 20,000 yen level for all rooms [From 25,000 yen to 29,000 yen] (For non-smokers only) [Initial cost 0 yen] ⇒ Only the daily rent for the month you move in. [Expenses] ¥ 10,000 / month (including water, electricity, gas, WiFi, common service charges, and consumables in comm...

2025/01/09 18:41
Single Room non-smoking
Female only

2025/01/02 07:10
Single Room non-smoking

Ready to move in immediately This is a private room in a two-story detached house. 1 station away from Shimokitazawa Station, a very popular area. About 10 minutes walk from Setagaya Daita Station About 12 minutes by bicycle to Shimokitazawa Station quiet residential area Furnished and free WI-FI...


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