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2024/12/08 18:09
Single Room non-smoking

Hello! We are looking for sharemates! 3LDK condominium in Chiyoda 4-chome, Naka-ku, Nagoya, many convenience stores near Max Value, ceiling is 50 cm higher than usual, so it is quiet and easy to live in, Sakae, Nagoya Station Convenient. Please smoke on the balcony. I would appreciate it if you c...

2024/12/23 11:48
Single Room non-smoking

Would you like to have a wonderful beach life? that's the perfect place! you can enjoy beautiful beaches! good for Surfing fishing and so on.

calm peaceful place house is 38,000yen only! Several stores are walking distance! Drugstore, convenient stores, bus stop is in 2min.

2025/02/09 11:40
Single Room non-smoking

It is located in a quiet residential area, a 15-minute walk from Hoya Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line. (3 minute walk to community bus stop). From Hoya Station to Ikebukuro Station it takes 15 minutes.

4LDK detached house. the room (fully locked) qpproximately 8.91㎡ 30 seconds walk to convenience store


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